Moon Valley Nurseries' Shot Hole Fungus Treatment Package
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  • Super Charged Moon Juice®
  • Moon Microboost™
  • Systemic Fungicide
  • Copper Fungicide
  • Moon Valley Nurseries' Mixing Bucket
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Welcome to the ultimate solution for combating Shot Hole Fungus - the Shot Hole Fungus Treatment Package! This comprehensive package includes a powerful lineup of products designed to eradicate the fungus and restore your plants' health.

Super Charged Moon Juice® and Moon Microboost™ work in harmony to maximize nutrient intake and stimulate root hair growth, bolstering your plants' ability to resist and recover from the effects of Shot Hole Fungus. These enriched formulas enhance plant vigor and performance, creating a lush and vibrant landscape.

To combat the fungus from within, Systemic Fungicide is absorbed by the plants, eradicating the disease at its core. Meanwhile, our Copper Fungicide creates a protective barrier, halting the spread of Shot Hole Fungus on plant surfaces.

With Moon Valley Nurseries' Mixing Bucket included, you have a convenient way to prepare and apply the treatments effectively. Easily combine the potent ingredients for the most potent defense against Shot Hole Fungus.

Don't let Shot Hole Fungus tarnish your garden's beauty. Take control with the Shot Hole Fungus Treatment Package, and witness the transformation as your plants thrive and flourish, free from the clutches of this troublesome fungus. Order now and experience the joy of a stunning, healthy landscape. Trust in our expertise and let Moon Valley Nurseries help you reclaim your plants!


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