Moon Valley Nurseries' Peach Leaf Curl Treatment Package
Moon Microboost™
Super Charged Moon Juice®
Systemic Fungicide
Copper Fungicide
Moon Valley Nurseries' Mixing Bucket



  • Super Charged Moon Juice®
  • Moon Microboost™
  • Systemic Fungicide
  • Copper Fungicide
  • Moon Valley Nurseries' Mixing Bucket
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Do You Have Peach Leaf Curl?

Are your peach trees suffering from unsightly and damaging leaf curl caused by the dreaded Peach Leaf Curl fungus? Check out Moon Valley Nurseries' Peach Leaf Curl Treatment Package, the ultimate treatment package meticulously designed to combat and eradicate this harmful disease.

Included in this comprehensive package is a specialized and powerful systemic fungicide, expertly crafted to target and eradicate the Peach Leaf Curl fungus. With its remarkable ability to work from the inside out, this fungicide halts the disease's progress and safeguards your valuable peach trees.

But we don't stop there - we've got you covered with an additional line of defense! A potent copper fungicide complements the treatment, bolstering your orchard's protection against Peach Leaf Curl. With its proven fungicidal properties, copper fortifies your trees' resilience and encourages a swift recovery.

At the heart of our Peach Leaf Curl Treatment Package lies Super Charged Moon Juice® and Moon Microboost™, delivering key nutrients that revitalize and strengthen your trees' natural defenses. This powerful blend of essential elements boosts plant immunity, enhancing their ability to fend off Peach Leaf Curl and other diseases. 

Make the right choice for your Peach Tree's future. Order your Peach Leaf Curl Treatment Package now and secure a thriving and fruitful harvest for years to come. Trust in our comprehensive solution, and let your orchard stand tall as a testament to health, resilience, and beauty.



  1. Prevention – To help prevent this disease, prune peach trees properly in the fall to maximize sun exposure and airflow throughout the tree. Preventative fungicide applications can be made after the leaves fall off the tree and before the new leaves begin to bud out. Follow all instructions on the product label.
  2. Fertilizer – Trees affected by this disease will lose their leaves prematurely. Give your tree all the nutrients it needs to quickly grow a new set of leaves with Super Charged Moon Juice® and Moon Microboost™.
  3. Treatment – Spray the affected tree with a systemic fungicide, being sure to get thorough coverage on all leaves. Couple with a copper treatment each dormant season to keep your trees free of disease. Follow all instructions on product labels.

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